Prayer for the day
Tonight I am full of fear and anxiety. I know to find relief I need to relinquish everything to you. I need to trust you. Please help me to relinquish my worries about the new promotion an my family. As I'm sure you know...MONEY is my biggest worry right now. Please Lord teach me to handle finances in a way that honors you. Help me, Lord.
I trust you and I relinquish.
Hi. Sorry for not writing for such a long time. I've been rather busy myself. One of the best ways I find to ease my anxieties is to look around and find all the things that are wrong with the world in all the other places. It may sound silly, but it sure does bring me gratitude and shame. Shame for not seeing all the blessings I already have!
I'm sure God will hear you, and you will be just fine. :)
May God bless you soon.
Rosemary Welch, at 2:04 AM
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